happy 25th anniversary to us!!

Let’s Get Started!

Registration is now open for 2024-2025! If you are interested in dancing for our 2024-2025 Season at Dance Explosion, please fill out the form below. Thank you!


What People Are Saying


“We love Dance Explosion! The studio is like one big family. Kammie and her teachers go above & beyond for their students.”

— Chelsey Page

Dancers: Mia 8, Reese 5 & Maddox 4


“Dance Explosion has offered my daughter opportunities to develop strength, flexibility, perseverance, and friendships. the studio is a giant family that all works together to better themselves and each other. Kammie has a way of developing each dancer into a leader, encouraging them to teach and support each other so collectively all dancers are able to grow their skills and love of movement.”

— Latisha Mcguire

Dancer: Ava, 9

“Dance explosion is like a big family! Kammie is a secondary mom to so many of the kids. She lets them be active participants in planning dances, picking costumes and listens to what her dancers feel are their strengths and weaknesses. It’s not just learning a skill, but building confidence.”

— Amanda Campbell-Harden

Dancers: Jackilyn 15, Jarrett 13, Jillian 9, Skylar 6


“Dance Explosion is more than just a place where children learn to dance. For a lot of the kids it’s a second home, a place where they feel safe to be themselves, be silly and fun or even have bad days. Friendships made in the studio are likely to last a lifetime (I can speak for this myself!) It’s a full circle studio for many - so many previous dancers are now bringing their kids there. Watching my daughter learn dance on the exact same floor I danced on is something truly special and not something a lot of people can say. It’s a place where kids can grow, in dance and as a person.”

— ashley YOUNG

Dancer: Rebecca, 13